CBD Hemp Products

Cannabissimo. First healthy Italian coffee with protein rich hemp seeds. Enjoy Your daily coffee cups with the amazing healthy properties of Hemp seeds Italian roasted premium coffee blend.

Cannabissimo Coffee® contains Hemp Seeds which are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 fatty acids, as well as all the essential amino acids your body needs. (Please see analysis report which was conducted on a sample of 100g of dry product.) Cannabissimo Coffee® is made with a proprietary manufacturing process, which preserves the coffee’s Cannabis Sativa seeds. Cannabissimo Coffee is a premium, full flavored blend of hemp seeds and the finest roasted ground coffee beans (Arabica 90% and Robusta 10%) from South America, Africa and India. It is a great way to enjoy the taste of delicious coffee while taking advantage of nutrient rich hemp seeds. Warning: as any coffee it contains caffeine, however Cannabissimo contains 20% less caffeine than pure Arabica coffee and 40% less compared to pure Robusta coffee. The caffeine content varies depending on the method of preparation.

Product Features

  • Italian Healhy coffee with protein rich hemp seeds

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