CBD Hemp Products

CanChew Cannabidiol CBD Hemp Oil Gum – 32 Pieces Mint Flavor

When you add the effects of sugar-free gum to the benefits of CBD from pure hemp oil in CanChew®, you discover a unique daily use hemp oil supplement. The CBD in our hemp oil interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system to promote homeostasis and balance within our body’s functions, like sleep, appetite, and immune response.

Absorbed sublingually through the mucus membrane in the mouth, chewing gum is more convenient and more effective at transmitting CBD than through the digestive system like traditional edibles.

Manufactured in the U.S., each piece of CanChew® gum contains 50mg of CBD hemp oil and 10 mg of natural CBD. CanChew® gum is an all natural and sugar-free CBD supplement.

CanChew’s CBD-infused chewing gum recently garnered Healthy Living Foundation’s Triple Leaf Award and was featured in national publications, including Natural Health Magazine, Newsweek Magazine, Dr. Oz, The Good Life Magazine, and Reader’s Digest.

In 2015, AXIM® Biotechnologies contributed boxes of CanChew® gum to veterans through the “Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon”, a veterans focused non-profit. For their donation, AXIM® was honored with receiving a flag flown at Bagram AB in Afghanistan.

Ships from manufacturer in USA.

Product Features

  • CanChew Gum is Approved by Doctors