CBD Hemp Products

HempCore Relax Anxiety Relief Supplement, 30 Capsules, GMO-Free, All Natural, with Hemp and Vitamins provides Organic Anxiety Relief

HempCore RELAX anxiety supplement helps reduce stress and anxiety as well as promoting relaxation. RELAX bolsters a calm, focus, relaxed and positive mood. Relax during the day, sleep better at night. RELAX are natural supplements for anxiety and contain Hemp, L-Theanine and B-vitamin that support relaxation and feelings of happiness. Hemp has long been used in Chinese medicine, to impart a calming effect by helping to reduce anxiety, it also promotes a more relaxed transition to evening activities.

Product Features

  • Anti anxiety Supplement with Hemp and vitamins helps with focus
  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and a positive mood,
  • Helps calm nerves and supports restful sleep
  • Professional Grade, High Quality, Potent Ingredients, Made in the USA, 30-day supply

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