CBD Hemp Products

Nespresso Compatible (Original Line) 40 Cannabissimo Coffee Capsules Italian Gourmet Coffee (Medium Roast) with Hemp Seeds

Cannabissimo Coffee® contains Hemp Seeds which are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids, as well as all the essential amino acids your body needs.(Please see analysis report which was conducted on a sample of 100g of dry product.) Cannabissimo Coffee® is made with a proprietary manufacturing process, which preserves the coffee’s Cannabis Sativa seeds. Cannabissimo Coffee is a premium, full flavored blend of hemp seeds and the finest roasted ground coffee beans (Arabica 90%; Robusta 10%) from South America, Africa and India. It is a great way to enjoy the taste of delicious coffee while taking advantage of nutrient rich hemp seeds. Warning: as any coffee it contains caffeine, however Cannabissimo contains 20% less caffeine than pure Arabica coffee and 40% less compared to pure Robusta coffee. The caffeine content varies depending on the method of preparation.

Product Features

  • HIGHEST QUALITY PACKAGING. Cannabissimo is freshly packaged immediately after the manufacturing process. Cannabissimo Coffee is free of the following: Gluten; Sugar; GMO; Additives; and Preservatives.

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