CBD Hemp Products

Pack-25 CBD Cannabinoids Heal Vinyl 3″ Sticker w/ Rugged 3 Mil. Clear Lamination (25)

Valxart CBD Cannabinoids Heal 3 in vinyl stickers. These vinyl stickers and have an adhesive back with a peal off back and they can be stuck to any surface. They use words to advocate using CBD as medicine . Lamination provides added protection against scuffing making them suitable for harsh conditions like car bumpers, purses , backpacks or windows.

Product Features

  • Valxart CBD Cannabinoids Heal 3 in vinyl sticker with adhesive back
  • These are printed vinyl stickers/decal with an adhesive back and can be stuck to any surface
  • This not medicine of any kind . It’s only stickers whose words advocate the healing power of medical cannabis.
  • This lamination provides added protection against scuffing making them suitable for harsh conditions like car bumpers, purses or windows.
  • These 3 inch stickers are printed in vibrant color with clear 3 mil lamination and a glossy finish

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