CBD Hemp Products CBD Pets

Serenity Hemp Oil For Pets – Cats & Dogs – Non Flavored – 1 fl oz 250mg – Certified Organic – 99.9% Pure Full Spectrum Hemp Extract – For Pain – Stress – Anxiety

Non flavored – dogs and cats can die from flavoring in other products. The most common terpenes in our hemp extract oils are beta-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, myrcene, terpinolene, bisabolol, pinene, nerolidol, ocimene and phytol. Vitamin E oil serves as an anti-oxidant and natural preservative. Shake well before using.

Product Features

  • HELP REDUCE YOUR PETS PAIN! Our perfect blend of Omega-3 fatty acids will also assist in reducing pain. The ingestion of these fatty acids can promote the body to produce anti-inflammatory properties. Ailments that may help your pet in pain include: arthritis, chronic pain, inflammation, joint & mobility issues, and much more.
  • REDUCE THE RISKS OF CANCER AND OTHER DISEASE! Studies show that pets with cancer and other illnesses do not make enough Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an Omega-6 fatty acid. Serenity Hemp for Pets gives you the perfect Omega-3 fat balance to give your pet the GLA’s they need!
  • IMPROVE YOUR PETS SKIN AND COAT! The oil in our product can penetrate the inner layers of the skin and promote cell growth for your pets skin and hair. Again, the perfect balance of fatty acids plays an important role in reducing inflammation, redness, dryness, and damage caused with common skin issues. Give your pet relief from dry skin and a healthier looking coat.
  • POWERFUL HEMP EXTRACT FOR YOUR PET! Serenity Hemp contains absolutely NO THC and is non psychoactive at all! Our extract comes from an advanced CO2 extraction using organic hemp, optimizing the plants naturally occurring terpenes, constituents, essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, 9), and phytochemicals.
  • USA MADE! Serenity Hemp for Pets is made in the USA by an FDA Inspected and GMP Certified Facility. Our product is non GMO and 100% Organic.

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