CBD In The News
THC vs. CBD: What's the Difference?
Tetrahydrocannabinoil (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are both natural … CBD is most commonly consumed in the form of highly concentrated oil ……
Morning Report: Cain Velasquez explains his use of CBD to curb pain ahead of UFC 207 fight with …
You may recall Nate Diaz coming under fire for the use of a vape pen which contained CBD oil after UFC 202…
Pot Shops Lack Experts Who Can Suggest the Right Kind of Weed
And 7 percent of the staff members recommended THC for treating epilepsy, yet research has shown that another marijuana compound, called CBD, ……
CBD Oil – Any users?
Got some CBD oil the other week and have been taking the recommended doses daily but can't really feel any effects at…
Reddit User Discovers Snoop Dogg Is Her Secret Santa (Photo)
Reddit users have responded with their own suggestions, including a hand-knitted Snoop sweater, local BBQ sauce, whiskey, and CBD oil. The Secret ……
Get Lit With Cannabis Oil During Hanukkah This Year
“But the miracle of oil—CBD Oil, THC oil, Rick Simpson oil, etc.—is appropriate for many patients whose lives have been restored by…
Cain Velasquez Says CBD Oil 'The Only Thing That Allows me to Train'
As tempting as calling him "THC-Level Cain" is, CBD (Cannabidiol) oil contains very little of the magical compound that allows users to…
Getting The Best Sleep Of Your Life Is Simpler Than You Think
For Miller, the choice to create a THC-dominant formula was an obvious one. CBD, while having excellent pain-relieving qualities, causes many ……
How to Support CBD Oil & Medical Cannabis in Texas
Cannabis: So many benefits and so few side effects, it's taking the world and North America by storm; eight states (CO, WA,…
Suggestions You Can Use To Help You Handle Malignancy Hearin
CBD News. News & Updates Cannabinoids And Therapeutic Effects: CBD – Weed News ….. Idaho business selling CBD oil opposes ban –…
The top news photos of 2016
Doug Rice spends time with his daughter Ashley at their home in West Jordan on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016. Ashley receives three…
How to Support CBD Oil & Medical Cannabis in Texas
Cannabis: So many benefits and so few side effects, it's taking the world and North America by storm; eight states (CO, WA,…