CBD In The News
CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil: A Major Breakthrough In The Struggle Against Nerve Pain?
I can actually speak from personal experience regarding cannabis oil (CBD oil). I never expected it and was roundly skeptical but after…
What Is CBD? – 8 Proven Benefits of CBD
by Axe The use of medical marijuana continues to be an emotionally and politically charged issue. Although cannabis oil preparations have been ……
Now a Schedule 1 Drug: CBD Hemp Oil
This decision came despite the fact that CBD from hemp—cannabis with no more than between 0.3% and 1% of the active ingredient…
7 Winners Identified By The Canadian Cannabis Task Force Report
The final report of the Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation made public last week presents an excellent framework for legalizing ……
Hemp Industries Association Responds to DEA Final Rule Regarding 'Marijuana Extracts'
Specifically, the DEA has proposed that CBD, and all cannabinoids derived from Cannabis Sativa L. qualify as 'marijuana extracts,' and require ……
CBD – The Cure: An Open Conversation
A general rule is anything less then 3 mg of CBD you are wasting your time. … CBD, or cannabidiol, is a…
DEA classifies CBD oil as a Schedule I drug
Effective January 13, 2017, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has ruled that cannabinoid CBD oil and extracts are Schedule I controlled ……
Now a Schedule 1 Drug: CBD Hemp Oil
A cannabidiol hemp oil that Leafly says is used by "hundreds of thousands of patients" in the US for a variety of…
Chairman Says Kansas House Health Committee Will Debate Medicaid Expansion
A bill last session would have legalized cannabidiol, or CBD oil, which is made from the hemp plant but doesn't produce the…
Hemp Industries Association Responds to DEA Final Rule Regarding 'Marijuana Extracts'
However, the DEA maintains the contradictory assertion that all CBD … such as CBD oils, body balms and supplements as controlled substances….
This Marijuana Extract Can't Get You High, But It's Now Officially Illegal
This past week, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced that synthetic CBD oil, a non-psychotropic extract, would become a Schedule I ……