CBD Hemp Products

CBD Oil for Psoriasis: Natural Healing for Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea and Acne

Psoriasis is generally considered an autoimmune and genetic disease. The endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating skin cells’ life. Research and patients’ experience are proving CBD and THC oils and balms can reduce inflammation and slow down skin cells’ growth.CBD, THC, and maybe other cannabinoids are anti-psoriasis agents. Under a psoriasis condition, skin cells are replaced every 3 to 5 days rather than the normal 30 days. This excessive and rapid growth of the epidermal layer of the skin generates red, itchy, and scaly patches. They may be localized or completely cover the body.Psoriasis is a persistent autoimmune skin disease which is not contagious. Psoriasis affects both the skin and the joints of the individual who is affected by the disease. Psoriasis normally causes the skin of the individual to become red and scaly. Normally, these outbreaks are only in patches. These patches caused by psoriasis are called psoriatic plaques. Psoriatic plaques are patches of skin where the skin has become inflamed and there has been an excessive amount of skin production. The skin produced by the body accumulates at these patches and has a white appearance. The patches occur commonly on the skin around elbows and knees. However, many individuals also report outbreaks on their scalp and their genital region. Psoriasis is different from eczema in the aspect that it is more likely to be located on the extensor point of the joint.Psoriasis is a persistent condition, but the severity of psoriasis can vary from each individual. Some individuals report mild psoriasis with just a few small patches, while others report severe cases of psoriasis where their whole body or most of their body is affected by the skin disease. The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown. The common belief behind the origin of psoriasis is that the skin disease is a genetic disease.