CBD Hemp Products CBD Pets

Hemp Oil – 100% Pure Hemp Seed Oil Cold Pressed Organic. Sourced From Canada. Provides Omega 3 and 6 EFA’s. Anti Inflammatory Benefits Provide Pain Relief (8 OZ)

Hemp seed oil is a nutrient dense oil with many uses. Cold pressed pure hemp extract oil contains all 20 amino acids including the 8 essential and a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids. It’s extremely high in free radical scavenging antioxidants and vitamin E, which make it ideal for promoting healthy skin, hair and nails. It’s high in fiber and minerals and it tastes great on foods or even just as a straight tablespoon.

See our FREE EBook for more detailed info.

You’ve seen those tiny bottle of pure hemp extract oil with the dropper dispensers priced much higher than HeOleum. Guess what….It’s the same product. It’s all pure hemp seed extract oil. Compare the ingredients. Buy with confidence and trust that HeOleum brand provides the highest quality pure virgin organic hemp seed oil from experienced growers in Canada. Don’t be taken advantage of.

Hemp seed oil is perfectly legal in all 50 states. It does not contain THC, CBD or cannabinoids.

Product Features

  • THE HOLY GRAIL OF HEALTHY OILS. Consumer’s and health pro’s are figuring out why eastern medicine gave hempseed this moniker. Provides the ideal 3:1 Omega Fatty Acid balance for your diet. Improves cardio. Cures Acne w/o clogging pores. Moisturizes skin, hair & nails. Almost endlist list of health benefits.
  • HEALTHY FOR EVERYONE…EVEN YOU’RE DOG or CAT. Men, women, children and even your pets can benefit from the health benefits of hemp seeds.
  • ORGANIC NATURAL and NOTHING ADDED. 100% pure, virgin, organic hemp seed oil with no additives. We source the highest quality hemp seeds from organic farms in Canada. The US in only starting to allow farmers to grow hemp plants. Canada has been allowing it for many years allowing farmers to become highly experiences in producing the highest quality product.
  • VERSATILE TO USE. Apply directly to hair, skin and nails. Makes a healthy makeup remover. Add to your smoothie. Drizzle over salads, pasta, yogurt or granola. Or just drink a spoonful. It has a lovely, mild, earthy taste. Replaces your CLA supplement

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