CBD Hemp Products

Hemp Oil Drops – 250mg :: High Quality Formula : 100% Natural Ingredients :: Assists with Pain Management :: Promotes Relaxation :: One Month Supply :: Nutrix Essentials

Hemp is a popular all-natural remedy that people have been using for centuries. It’s no wonder why when you consider the natural properties associated with hemp. We managed to create a premium grade extract that is fast acting, all-natural, and affordable!

One of the reasons people use hemp oil is for pain management. There are some doctors that are recommending hemp as an “alternative” to addictive counterparts. (Note: you should always talk to your doctor before making any big change to your current medications.) Many claim that it eases their pain, helps them relax, and even sleep better through the night.

We use all natural ingredients in our hemp blend. There are only two primary ingredients – hemp oil and peppermint oil. The peppermint adds a delicious taste that will please even the pickiest person. Our hemp is also extracted naturally through a precise C02 extraction method.

You can feel good shopping with us because all of our products are made and bottled right here in the United States. We work with FDA approved facilities to delivery quality and excellence you can depend on every time.

Product Features

  • Quality Extract – Only the finest hemp seeds are used in our extract. Our CO2 extraction system ensures amazing hemp oil — every time.
  • Great Ingedients – Contains the best all-natural ingredients. Premium hemp oil and all-natura peppermint oil for flavoring.
  • Pain Management – Many swear by the impact hemp oil has had on their life. Helps those looking for something to add to their pain management regime.
  • 30 Day Supply – Every bottle of our hemp oil comes with enough doses to get you through an entire month. Rest easy knowing you’ll have more than enough hemp to take 1-2 doses per day!
  • USA Proud – We are thrilled to announce that all of our products are made right here in the United States of America.

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