CBD Hemp Products

The CBD Oil Solution: Treat Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia, and More-without the High

Get healthy, not high. Discover the calming, pain-relieving effects of CBD oil and try recipes for delicious CBD-infused edibles and DIY self-care products.

CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is a nonpsychoactive compound found in cannabis that boasts serious health benefits for your mind and body. It’s been shown to effectively alleviate pain, lessen anxiety, reduce inflammation, and improve overall well-being. Get the facts about CBD oil, and experience the benefits of this healing product with edibles and self-care products you can make yourself and customize to meet your needs.

In The CBD Oil Solution, Dr. Rachna Patel shares everything you need to know about CBD, including:

  *  Explanation of CBD oil–what it is, how it works, and how it differs from THC
  *  What ailments can be treated with CBD oil–and how to decide if CBD is right for you
  *  What to consider when purchasing CBD oil, including how to read a product label
  *  Information on proper dosing and use
  *  More than 40 recipes and remedies–from drinks and desserts to lotions and lip balms–that can be customized for your needs

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