Wisconsin Lawmakers Propose Two Medical Cannabis Bills
Wisconsin only allows limited CBD oil to treat severe illnesses. A recreational bill introduced last year failed to gain any steam. Currently,…
Change to approval for medicinal cannabis
Sativex [one of two pharmaceutical-grade cannabis-based products … the main psychoactive ingredient of Cannabis, and cannabidiol (CBD), but ……
Bill in Congress would reschedule cannabis, CBD
Legislation has been introduced into the US House to amend the Controlled Substances Act so marijuana is no longer classified as a…
Greengro Technologies, Inc. Launches Cannabis Genetics Breeding Initiative
Greengro Technologies, Inc. Launches Cannabis Genetics Breeding … possess improved levels of key compositional traits (e.g., THC and CBD) by ……
State workshop on medical cannabis draws hundreds
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – An overflow crowd – with hundreds of people left out – packed an auditorium at the Florida Department…
Why are more and more people seeking treatment for cannabis misuse? Here are the facts
Cannabis contains many cannabinoids, the best known is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which gives you the buzz or high, while cannabidiol (CBD) ……
Turbo Global Partners Announces Medical Cannabis Subsidiary
The resulting Medical Cannabis Subsidiary of TURBO will focus on a "bring to … Singerman continues, "Cannabinoid 'CBD' — the healing properties…
Healthcare Technology Heavily Influencing the Legal Cannabis Patient Industry
Healthcare Technology Heavily Influencing the Legal Cannabis Patient … The injection of modern technology into the developing world of cannabis and ……
New petition calls for cannabis legalisation in Luxembourg
A petition on Luxembourg's parliament website has been launched calling legislative reform for the legalisation of medical cannabis for critically ill ……
Plutonium Slightly More Regulated than Cannabis in Texas
Terri Carriker, whose 14-year-old daughter suffers from the kind of epilepsy that patients in other states are treating with CBD oil, doesn't…
Boy with epilepsy using cannabis oil 'cannot return to Ireland'
Pending surgery, he has been put on a regimen of cannabis oil containing both non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) and THC. Doctors hope this…
House of Hemp 100% Pure Cannabis Sativa Terpenes Essentail Oil Therapeutic Grade 5mL
House of Hemp 100% Pure Cannabis Sativa Essential Oil has a strong herbaceous-woody aroma with distinct characteristic of cannabis, it will develop…